The Grand Delusion

Who remembers that famous line "I am a sucker for love"  Well I am not. Naturally I believe in love, like most of us do, but you see, unlike a lot of general ideas, notions and beliefs, I have other ideas.
Don't get me wrong, I know how it feels to be in that special person's arms, how it feels to be embraced and caressed by that person. To hear their slow breathing, to perceive their unique yet confounding fragrance, to be touched by them in the least sensitive places of the human anatomy, yet feel so electrified by the gentlest perusal.
Yes, it is an amazing yet frightening emotion. Not many of us have ever known that feeling and the sad truth is that most of us will only get to feel that way a handful of times in our short existence.
Personally, I am still holding out hope against hope that I will be turned to a moron again. Yes, that's exactly what that emotion does to the human brain and mind. Yet, this time around, I am going to be a hardworking, brave and worthy moron.
It is funny how most people think by loving someone alone and been loved in return will magically turn their relationship into a fairy tale happily ever after. This may seem so in the initial stages of the relationship, until later on when  that "fire" and passion dies off and the ship hits the rocks.
As boring as it sounds, to make that relationship work, you must work and likewise your partner. Yes work, work to be a better person, and work to make your girl or guy a better person. I read a wonderful book "The five love languages by Gary Chapman (Singles version)" and I personally recommend every reader to get a copy. According to Gary, everyone got their special love languages whether it's gifts, compliments, words of appreciation etc.
So working for the success of that relationship really entails finding out what love languages your partner speaks best. You may also need to discover whatever languages you like best, for example some of us like gifts, some compliments, some support(moral, physical or otherwise) etc. Its your duty to figure out yours and that of your partner. 

Like people say, communication is key, not money like common notion. When you and partner starts speaking in similar wavelength, that relationship will only flourish.
Never delude yourself into thinking that you can have the similar kind of relationship we all see in movies and read in books. Those stuffs are just entertainment. True, some people even get to have more awesome and amazing relationships than the telenovelas, but everyone is different. Go for your expectations, and live out your own dreams.
My one another, until given a reason to do otherwise. Always remember, to err is human and to forgive is divine.
Of course, nothing is ever plain and simple in this world. We must have heard of stories of people loving people that didn't feel the same way. Heck, we might have been in one or two situations ourselves. The advice here is to move on. Never delude yourselves into thinking that, that person will suddenly magically fall in love with you or rather that you can convince him or her to love you in return.
Probably the most important lesson of life is to love oneself first. Never degrade yourself into being in a prison for someone. Your happiness comes first and no prison is worth your happiness.
Lastly as an ode to this piece, love is sacrifice, love is hard, in the lay man's English, it is "suffer suffer", "difficult something", yet as you have always been told, love is worth it.

Written by: James H. Ikechukwu
Models: Tumminy

Photography by: FredShotit

James H. Ikechukwu is a young and passionate writer. When he is not writing, he is studying to be the best Nigerian Pharmacist (ever). In his free time, he enjoys football, chess, chatting with friends and reading stuffs.

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Anonymous said…
That was a lovely piece
But you mentioned something about
Language of love,as a human,are you meant to have just one language of love
because I think i don't think i have just
Anonymous said…
I don't think***
Anonymous said…
Some persons have more than one love language. It all depends on personality variation. I think if you read the book that was mentioned in the article, you'll understand better.

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