Diary Series; Miriam's Diary

It's August 15th
I see a lady, she looks frail and sorrowful lying helplessly in a hospital bed. I could tell by her countenance that she is drenched in depression. I was prompted to go to her. I held her hand and said "Jesus loves you ma'am" she smiles at me; a warm and charming smile. I smile back. I give her a hug, then spend more time with her. We chat a little. I lead her to Christ and hand her a tract. She promises to read it. She has cancer on her left breast. She would recieve chemotherapy. 

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Miriam. I'm five. I'll be six 12 days from today. I have cancer too. My doctor says I have 8 days more to live. I pray I see my birthday. Peradventure I'll grow taller, or even bigger. They call me little Mira. I know I'm not just a little girl; I'm a big king right on the inside. I'm confined to the hospital bed. My pain has intensified. The wounds and sores have increased. Most times I'm so weak that I just want to continue in sleep. And when I'm asleep, the pain continues in my subconscious. 

Many days have past with my continous drifting in and out of sleep. I see grandpa in my dream. He looks all bright and happy. I give him a hug and he strokes my hair. 
I wake up, today is special; I feel more alive than ever. The pain is gone, my body looks as good as new. No wounds, no sores. 
It's my birthday. We're all in church. I see Dad and Mum. I see Grandma and Uncle Troy. I see the lady from the hospital. She is healthy now. I think her cancer died. I see more people. Mum is weeping in dad's arm. Everyone is sober. I'm floating in the air. I see my body. It's lying in a casket twice it's size. 
The Priest is making declarations. He says I am sleeping. I move over to mum. I try to touch her. 
"Mummy, please don't cry, the pain is gone, my flesh is healed. Mummy look, the sores are no more" 
my voice is echoing. She doesn't hear. I open my body to show her the wounds are truly gone. She doesn't seem to see me. I go to dad. I try to hug him. It's all air. I don't feel anything. No one can see me.  I become frightened. Then I hear a voice.  It's calling my name. 
"Miriam don't be afraid, I am with you " the voice says
"Come and receive your eternal reward"
I look, and see a bright light.  
I walk into the light. 

Written by: Joy Ngofaa

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Anonymous said…
Nice story

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