Hello guys,
here is a new and exciting way for you to enjoy your fruits. We all know how essential fruits are in our diet. They contain vitamins and minerals which build the body. Although am not a big fan of fruits (eyes rolling), fruit smoothie is a nice way of enjoying the fruits you don't really like as well as your favorite fruit.
You can give your loved one a treat with banana, pineapple, milk and honey smoothie. Don't forget to treat yourself too😉.
Let's get down with this.

What you need
(1) Banana
(2) Pineapple
(3) Milk
(4) Honey

Health Benefits of Ingredients.


Banana is one fruit I naturally love. Am sure you love banana too. I mean who wouldn't love banana? Its tasty and enriching.
• Banana contains simple sugars like sucrose and fructose which replenish energy and revitalize the body.
• Banana is also a good source of vitamin c.
• It contains flavonoidpoly-phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthine, alpha and beta carotene albeit in small amounts. These compounds fight free radicals and aging.
• It contains minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper and manganese. Copper is an essential trace element in the production of red blood cells.
• Banana contains dietary fibers that aid digestion and fight constipation.


• Pineapple contains vitamin C
• It also contains fructose and sucrose.
• It contains vitamin A which is essential for vision.
• Pineapple also contains vitamin B complex like folate, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like copper, manganese and potassium.
• Pineapple contains proteolytic enzyme bromelain which breaks down protein. It also has anti clotting, anti inflammatory, and anti cancer properties.
Studies show that consumption of pineapple regularly helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation.


Everyone knows that milk is a good source of protein. Well, protein is not all that milk offers.
• Milk also contains calcium which is essential for bones and teeth.
• Milk contains potassium and lactose.
• It also contains vitamin C, D and K.

NOTE: Some individuals are unable to digest lactose, the sugar in milk. It is advisable that they use lactose free milk for their smoothie.


Honey contains glucose, fructose and other sugars which give it its sweet taste.
It also contains minerals and a good amount of water.

CAUTION: Honey contains botulinum toxin. The digestive system of infants is not fully developed to breakdown this toxin. So honey is not good for infants.

How to prepare

Slice off the skin of pineapple, cut into chunks and transfer to a clean blender.
Take off the banana peel and also put into the blender.
Blend the two together and transfer smoothie to a jug.
Add honey and milk to taste. Mix well and refrigerate (if you wish)
Your smoothie is served.

Thank you for reading this, I hope it was
helpful. Please leave your comments and
questions or suggestions below. Keep checking
up for more tips.


Follow me on facebook:
Instagram and Twitter: Joy Ngofaa


Healthytips said…
Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about pineapple milk honey banana. Please keep sharing.
Benefits Of Pineapple Juice For Skin

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