The SeeExpiryDate campaign was launched today 1st June 2017

The SeeExpiryDate campaign was launched today (1st June 2017 ) by a team of thoughtful youths led by Miss Joy Ngofaa.
Other members of the team are;
Mr Ronald Kenneth
Mr David Oti
Miss Eunice Ufuoma
Mr Moses .O.
Miss Edikan Friday
Miss Ibiso Abbey
Mr Victor Okafor and
Miss Sophia Chukunda

The campaign is aimed at creating awareness on the importance of checking the expiry date of products before buying or using, as a way of improving health consciousness, since expired products might sometimes have deleterious effect on the human body.

Expiry date according to CBC news is the date up to which a food/drug product maintains its microbiological, physical stability and nutrient/chemical content as declared on the label.
Expiration dates on food/drug products are usually made paramount all over the world in order to keep users informed as it indicates the time frame during which the product is most suitable to be consumed.
However, for food products, expiry dates on canned food most of which are natural products may vary in the way they expire and may become dangerous or still okay to consume after their expiration dates.

Since products are usually exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions like temperature instabilities, microbial contaminations, air and moisture, they become prone to spoilage at faster rates once they leave the manufacturer.
Now, you would ask, are expiry dates important?
Yes it is with some serious facts;
Expired medications will likely become unstable and possibly broken down into metabolites. This can be dangerous as the body cannot process them like it would it's active ingredients, which could cause serious organ damage to the liver and kidneys as well as other organ system.
Foods that are expired may become more prone to spoilage over time. A typical example would be canned foods containing oils, oils become rancid as a result of exposure to air and heat and also microbial activities which leads to formation of some toxic substances like trans fats which can be detrimental to health if consumed.

Miss Joy Ngofaa said that they conducted a  market survey and discovered that alot of individuals don't check the expiry date of products before buying or using. "If people can pay attention to something as minute as checking the expiry date of products before buying, then they will pay attention to a lot of health related issues."

Mr Ronald Kenneth stated that The importance  of #SeeExpiryDate campaign cannot be overemphasized as the entire Nigerian populace would get to know that it's necessary for the expiry dates of consumer goods be checked before purchase.

Source: Miss Edikan Friday.


Unknown said…
This is an awakening for the society. More death rate recorded comes from food poison why because we the blacks neglects the importance of checking the expiring date before use making the hoodlums who are involved to have more advantage over us.
#thanks for this reality...
lord uhuru said…
Yea,I believe you guys are on point on this one. Well done
Joy Ngofaa said…
Am glad you buy into this campaign. Thank you very much.
Ronald Kenneth said…
Awesome Campaign... It's importance cannot be overemphasized. It's time Nigeria and Nigerians hear this... Checking to #SeeExpiryDate is as important as can be!!!
Unknown said…
Cool. 😎

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