New things

She woke up with a stat
Her hand went straight to her neck, seeking the comfort of the neckchain shaped like a moon. It was given to her by her late granddad. In the darkness, she stretched her hand forward. Already accustomed to that dark, she clicked the switch to her bedside lamp. Her room was immediately filled with a warm yellow, putting her heart at ease and bringing it back to its normal beat. 
Still goosebumps rose on her skin. Her mind going on a shuffle, replaying the dream over and over like a video that wouldn't just stop. She looked at her bedside clock.. 
             4:00 it read
Her dreams were beginning to become an alarm clock. She pulled off the comforter and sat up straight her back resting on the wooden panel of her bed.
    One thing was more vivid than the rest in her drean~ her grand father garbed in a white caftan with silver embroidery on the sleeves and neck, walked meticulously towards her, never reaching close enough for her to feel. He looked saddened. The lines at his forehead and at the corners of his mouth seemed deeper each time.
He spoke without words but she understood.

   "Awake my child", he seemed to always say. She would try to reach out, or scream and make him understand that she's wide awake.
She wakes up at this, always wishing she could finish this dream. 
She swung her feet from her bed,  placing them gingerly on the soft grey carpet, and walked purposefully to the bathroom. She felt different today. She felt more vibrant than than the last six months when the dreams started, she felt sure of herself. 
She smiled at her reflection. Her caramel complexion seemed glowing. Slowly she touched her hair, eyebrows, nose and lips and smiled. 
     "Today, this year and the next, is going to be a good one" she said smiling. 
In a black leather skirt, a red jacket, white camisole and matching black shoes she strode purposefully and confidently to the bus station aware that she had become a new being overnight. 
Refreshed, she smiled unaware of stares around her. She smiled still as she got into the bus, heading to work.
As she stood at her reflection, it dawned on her that the worries of the abuse, the emotional trauma, financial difficulties didn't bother her. She was only focused on how good her day was going to be.

Written by: Deborah Lenu Sunny-Williamson 

Model: Nimi Ngiangia

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