
I feel the cloud of sadness
Upon my heavy head
I should think the firmament
Hasn't sent it's sun over my face
My heart is sunken
To the depths of my soul
I'm driven to drunkenness and parties
With the hope of laughter
I find some merry
Which soon fizzles out
Just like the smoke in a chimney
Low in my troubled soul
The bridge calls out to me
Singing to my freedom
I could dive into the sweet melodies
To the arms of fresh tormoil
The drugs have promised peace
One kiss and I'm at ease
My sanity will then be gone
Trapped in euphoria would I be
The world has dished me many blows
My heart races to and fro
The weight of many pounds
Upon my shoulders
My pain no one cares to know

When my hope of life is gone
And then seek I to breath my last
He calls me by his saving grace
Embraced by love, I smile again
The sun, it's spreads it's many rays
Pouring laughter over me

Written by: Joy Ngofaa 

Model: Nimi Ngiangia

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