Sarah (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1

Pretty much many times we don’t know what we’re looking for until we find it.
I knew Sarah was her when I first met her. I can’t tell why, or how. The knowing was just there.
“Welcome to church” And that was all. The magic happened. I saw the stars and all. It was my mum’s church. I had to attend since I came to visit her and it was Sunday, and mum won’t hear of it that you’d sit at home on a Sunday.
We got married, Sarah and I.
Six months in she got really sick. Cancer. She died a year later. That one year and six months of my life with Sarah, they were the best. O god! She was such a lively pack of dynamite. The pillow fights, the chase around the house.

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She even got me committed to church. Boy, did I join the protocol department, following the pastor around.
Sarah. Even mum loved her. Mum still talks of her.
I joined gospel campaigns, social campaigns, volunteer organizations for teens and kids. Sarah didn’t care that she was going to die.
In her words, “To live is Christ, to die, great gain”. A quotation of Apostle Paul.
She died on the 31st of December, 25 years ago. That year, on Christmas day she insisted we host a teens’ get-together. It was so much fun. Sarah then shared her story of fighting cancer. It was pretty much so inspiring. I even cried some.
Then on the 31st she died holding my hands, just after a very passionate love-making. I just stayed there with her letting the tears stream down my eyes.
Her last words were “Goodbye my love. Godspeed”
I have two daughters and two sons. I adopted them after Sarah died. And I tell them about her. In fact we treat her like she’s one, of the family away on a long vacation. Her pictures are still on the wall and her clothes are in her wardrobe, being dry-cleaned from time to time.
You think we’re holding unto her ghost?
No. We’re holding unto her goodness and letting it rub on us. My children, they’re awesome.

Jireh, she’s the eldest, she’s 23 and a youth pastor. Shammah, at 20 is a worship leader. She’s in a worship group. They go to various campuses organizing worship concerts. Caleb and Joshua, the twin, at 18, they’re the sweetest teenagers a father can hope for. Joshua doesn’t know the Lord yet, but he will. He volunteers at a teens’ rehab where teenagers help teenagers deal with depression.

Caleb, he’s on a scholarship to Europe for a science program on cloning and robotics. I sincerely don’t know the details. But he’s a great kid. He loves the Lord, and he has his mother’s goodness, if she was here.
It’s the 31st of December, Sarah’s 25th year remembrance and Help Fight Cancer Campaign in her honor. We just came back in, me and the kids, Caleb too. He had to come back for this.
We were going through Sarah’s things as is tradition. We found something, something we’ve all missed for over 25 years of this tradition.

Story by: A. W. Supreme 

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