Sarah (Part 1)

As a teen, 18 actually, that's pretty much still teenage, I used to think a lot about my to-be wife.
I thought a lot about sex too, but, that's pretty much normal for a teenager. My to-be wife was an obsession. I'd imagine how we'd meet, where we'd meet, what she'd be like. My fantasies usually had her chocolate skinned, trim, pretty and smart.
I hardly ever thought about us making love. Those fantasies were usually of other women, random women, most of them I already knew.

This woman would be special.
I am the last son in a family of seven sons raised by a woman.
So maybe now you understand my obsession with the wife-thing. My mother, she's so special. Few mums like her have walked earth.
Mum is a very pretty woman. Always has been. She had a busy life as a youth, trying to raise her siblings, two of them: Uncle Bayo and Aunty Teni. They lost both of their parents as kids, mum was 16 then.
She would sell in the local market, buying on credit and then she would pay the owners of the stock after she had sold the goods. It must have been tedious. According to her, “Tedious is a mild word, if you know what I mean”.
She never allowed her siblings to help her at the market. They were to take care of the house and face their school work.
Mum, she's special.

Uncle Bayo is a Petroleum Engineer with Shell now. Aunty Teni, she works at CNN, one of their behind the camera technicians. So Mum doesn't have to work.
But Mum does.
Even now, mum still works at the local Orphanage.
She was thirty when she got Tobi.
She adopted him, from an 18 year old teenager who didn't know what to do with the 'unwanted baby'.
Yes, Mum never married. We were all adopted. But Mum's blood flows in all of us.
Understand me when I say, we were born by our mothers but begotten by mum.
Begotten, that’s pretty much a church word.
So you should understand why I was smitten when I met Sarah.

Story by: A.W Supreme

Model: Jane

Continues to Part 2...

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