Extracurricular Activities (Part 1)

Today is Valentine, Jacob broke up with you over the phone because you wouldn't send him your nude.  Although you don't care too much,  a breakup is always a breakup. So thanks to Jacob,  your day was spoilt.

You're a teacher in a Primary school, your dream job. It's not exactly about the money, you just love kids or  probably as your life coach says, "you exist" that is; 'ex' you were in the past,  'is' you are in the present,  and 't' you will transcend to the future.

     "What's on the time table, Timi ?" you ask the nine year old you had chosen as the class captain.

        "Extracurricular activities, Miss Bunmi" she replies.
        "Okay children, go to the changing rooms and get into your play clothes" you say, rising from your seat.
They start to leave the class.  Boys to the room on the left,  girls to the room on the right.

You start to leave the class when your phone rings. Instinctively, your eyes trail it's way to the clock.
You take up your phone, it's Ada your bestie. It's going to be a lengthy conversation, you can tell.  Just before you had come to school, you had sent her a text on Jacob breaking up with you. You sit in your desk and take the call.
The children! Is the first thing that hits your mind when you drop the phone at 11:36am. But you calm your nerves with the thought that Timi is a very competent captain, even at nine.

You start to leave the class again, going into the changing area to make sure the kids are all out.
Of course, Timi is used to the drill. Get the other kids to do the warm-ups before dividing them into groups for the game of volleyball,  after which the game would begin.

You stop when you reach the door to the girls changing room.  A force seems to pull you towards it,  and you hear your life coach's voice in your head again, "You exist, 'ex' you were in the past,  'is' you are in the present,  and 't' you will transcend to the future."
       "Is someone in there? " You call out quietly as you push the door open some more.  You can't even hear yourself, and it seems you're only mouthing.

        You're walking to the last stall in the corridor.
The door is ajar.
        "Ah! Seyi" Simi is a saying, while Seyi's fingers are buried under her skirt,  inbetween her eight year old center.

Your mind is spinning like a whirlwind. You are light in your head.
        "Simi! Seyi! You scream at them,  but it's only a whisper.  The juvenile eyes meet yours.  You die again.

Continues in Part 2

Written by: Revealtor (Ghost Writer)


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