Memoir of a Writer
I've learnt alot lately,
More than the strokes of my pen can relay
Its like awakening into a new, fresh viand of truth.
A fancy in which my fixation finds root.
The world is a mirage.
I discovered that the person who makes fun of others
Just to feel good and special is as inferior as
The person who let's those words get to him
I've discovered that the world in general is starked
With inferior people who can paint black white
And make right look wrong.
I see this everyday.

I also see people who feel
By following a crowd
You earn fame and relevance
An unscrupulous people
Who trade tomorrow for today
A taboo they do for a lark
I'm frantic about this because it drills pain
Through my heart's core
That no analgesia can relieve
I discovered that being morally sound
Does not make you a person
Neither does being immoral make you a better person.
You see, the world is just a fuse of confused people
Trying to gain worth by morality or immortality.
What makes you perfect is Jesus.
In him is light, and the light is the life of men.
If you wanna have a good life, have Jesus.
Morality is an icing used to decorate a cake of rottenness.
Don't get it all twisted, I'm not advocating immortality
I'm only saying its a mirage to think that
You are better than the next person because you are moral
Righteousness has nothing to do with morality.

God loves us all equally
So, I don't compare people.
I've held this notion
Right from my high school days.
I would rather say, I respect people than compare them.
To be continued.
Written by: Wereloo Lekpoan © Juwel
