
Showing posts from November, 2018

Missed Period

I still remember it like yesterday. It had been the first of January, last year. Our Reverend had been making the declarations, then he said "Someone here would miss her period before this month runs out" As expected we 16 and 17 year olds were hiding smirks and giggling silently. "How can he even say that?" My bestie, Ajoke had whispered to me where we sat in the choir stand. It was two days later Uncle Tobi, mum's younger brother had come to see us for the new year. He was a sailor or something like that, something having to do with working on the sea and he had that cute manliness that exudes from sea people. He always wore his flip flops around the house, you could eat from off his body. He was that neat. I adore him. I still do. "Nne" He'd usually call me, "serve my food in the sitting room please, I need to watch the match between Real Madrid and Chelsea." Or whatever clubs were the case. Football was the only thing he watc...

Miss Take (Part 1)

When mama asked Sam to go to the store opposite their house to get her baking powder, neither her nor Sam knew their life was about to change. "I'm doing homework, mama” Sam had replied. “I'll cut your mouth if you say that to me again” Mama retorted. “Will you leave that seat now and go get me baking powder before I make you?” Mama said, her voice a whole notch higher. Grumbling, fifteen year old Sam closed his note to obey his Mama. He stretched and yawned as he stood. He had been sitting for an hour and some minutes. Sam was one of those teens that went to school because he had to. He didn't hate school, but he wouldn't say he love it either. In fact, he thought nothing of school. He just went because he had to. He had one year left before graduation, then he'll head for college. He looked at his wrist watch, the one his girlfriend, Jane had bought him when he turned fifteen. The time was 3:15pm. His girlfriend, Jane, for his birthday, had ...

New things

She woke up with a stat Her hand went straight to her neck, seeking the comfort of the neckchain shaped like a moon. It was given to her by her late granddad. In the darkness, she stretched her hand forward. Already accustomed to that dark, she clicked the switch to her bedside lamp. Her room was immediately filled with a warm yellow, putting her heart at ease and bringing it back to its normal beat.  Still goosebumps rose on her skin. Her mind going on a shuffle, replaying the dream over and over like a video that wouldn't just stop. She looked at her bedside clock..               4:00 it read Her dreams were beginning to become an alarm clock. She pulled off the comforter and sat up straight her back resting on the wooden panel of her bed.     One thing was more vivid than the rest in her drean~ her grand father garbed in a white caftan with silver embroidery on the sleeves and neck, walked meticulously towards her...


I feel the cloud of sadness Upon my heavy head I should think the firmament Hasn't sent it's sun over my face My heart is sunken To the depths of my soul I'm driven to drunkenness and parties With the hope of laughter I find some merry Which soon fizzles out Just like the smoke in a chimney Low in my troubled soul The bridge calls out to me Singing to my freedom I could dive into the sweet melodies To the arms of fresh tormoil The drugs have promised peace One kiss and I'm at ease My sanity will then be gone Trapped in euphoria would I be The world has dished me many blows My heart races to and fro The weight of many pounds Upon my shoulders My pain no one cares to know When my hope of life is gone And then seek I to breath my last He calls me by his saving grace Embraced by love, I smile again The sun, it's spreads it's many rays Pouring laughter over me Written by:  Joy Ngofaa  Model: Nimi Ngiangia Would you...