INTERVIEW: "I got mature in mind at quite a young age"~Hillary Nwoziri

The concept of luminary writing goes beyond just the impetus that drives the reader. Hillary Obinna Nwoziri, a profound luminary writer, and author of "The Voyager's Muse" opens up about himself in this exclusive interview with Miss Joy Ngofaa.

Joy: Hi Hillary, tell us a little about yourself.

Hillary: I'm from Imo State, the last of 5 children, and the last son too.
Currently, I'm in the final lap of my second year in the University of Port Harcourt. I'm Studying Linguistics and Communication Studies.
I love to write, sing, and sleep. I also love to travel and keep busy.

Joy: That's interesting. So how did you begin your journey as a writer?

Hillary: I've been writing since I was in primary school. I was one of the best essay and composition writers in my school. It continued till secondary school.
At that time, I hadn't seen writing as a big deal (of course it is a big deal). I didn't see it as something I'll take on as a career. It was just a hobby, and maybe, something I did to keep up with my repute as one of the best writers in high school. As a matter of fact, I was also a good singer. And at that time, singing seemed to give me more fame, and kinda overshadowed the writing which was at the background. So rather than writing, I was considering taking on singing as a career. I had planned to get into reality shows like project fame and the rest and even released a studio recorded track then. I had flares for acting and modeling, which I ventured into at some point in my life.

Joy: You are indeed multi talented. But it seems writing has taken over now?

Hillary: Thank you. But I wouldn't call it multi talents, I'll just say I try my hands on everything I "feel" I can do. About writing, Emmm, I'd say it has sort of taken over, cos its what keeps me a lot busier these days.
But I'm sure when am relaxed and in a better place, I'll try my hands on music and modelling.

Joy: What inspired you to write the book. "The Voyager's Muse"?

Hillary: First of all, my writing always seem to be channeled towards inspiration, uncontrollably. I am always prone to write to inspire someone, to impact a life, to instill some tangible values.

Joy: That's awesome, I feel inspired already. What's the book about?

Hillary: I've had a different kind of upbringing I'd say. Or maybe, its just my nature. But "I knew a lot about life even before I knew a lot about life". I got mature in mind at quite a young age. So when my mates are thinking of fun and partying and girls and all that, not that I don't think of those sometimes though (laughs) but I know where to cross the line. So I started compiling The Voyager's Muse out of a desire to not just inspire everyone,  but to be an example to other youths that you can be more that just fun, girls, partying, smoking and all. I started writing my book out of a desire to reach out to the very broken, the lost, the confused, the somewhat hopeless.
But most importantly, I wrote "The Voyager's Muse" cos I realised that there's a lot humans don't know about their  nature and inward man, or seem to neglect more often and then fall weak or settle for less. I had to deal with just some of those in the book.
The Voyager's Muse is a bespoke piece of creativity which presents it's self as a literary inspiration, written with passion to inspire all humans in this voyage of life.
In fifteen short essays, this book sends powerful messages to all readers; messages that are most often ignored or underestimated. Discussing philosophical topics such as reasoning, morality, sympathy, empathy and existentialism; emotional and psychological topics such as mindset, the core, the self, and the inward nature; and social topics such as human relationships and interactions, the human essence and positive social change, this book subtly campaigns for a shift in the status quo of this world, and encourages better living systems.

Consequently, this concise but precise book "The Voyager's Muse" is a handbook for life. It would keep you sane and inspired through your journey. It is therefore a goto book for firsthand inspiration, motivation and encouragement for all humans (youths and adults alike) who are disposed, and indeed all lovers of inspiration. The many lessons from this book should be shared and transferred.

Joy: How long did it take you to write it?

Hillary: It took roughly a year and half to be written, complied and published. There were breaks in between though.

Joy: What was the workload like, where there contributions from other persons? Maybe ideas, funding and all that?

Hillary: The work load was much. I was my own writer, my own editor/proofreader. I was almost my own "foreworder" till the lecturer responded. I got some financial support from my parents. And I'm currently self publishing. So you'll find out that its not actually enough to just write. Talent, they say, is never enough.

Joy: What will you be working on next?

Hillary: I have a lot of things in mind, but first, I have to make "The Voyager's Muse" as successful as it can get.
I told you I'm into content writing yeah? So yeah, I wanna get more content writing jobs and experiences. Then I'm working on my second book already. I'm in the thinking/reflection stage. I'm also doing book tours, media publicity, and all that. I would really love to try out more public speaking and speech presentations.

"The Voyager's muse" is available for download.
On Smashwords Click to download
On Amazon Click here


Winner Kay said…
Congrats again bro
Unknown said…
It is better and more profitable that you get your self through a work upstairs on the inside before looking for a job outside. Quote: Benson Idorenyin.
Unknown said…
Keep the good deal
Amby okoli said…
Hills my babyyy!!! I'm so proud of you!!! Awesome awesome !! I'm happy we grew together at some point in life. No limits baby no limits
Unknown said…
Oh my God Hillary is such a rising star; I mean we all knew it in secondary school but to see it materialize so quickly is frankly quite.........I don't even have the words. The part about secondary school was also really nostalgic and true to every letter. Wishing you all the best with your next book. Love love love love you.

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