Did I Say?

"Who is it? It's Chike over here" I spoke into the phone trying to place the voice of the person speaking. It sounded female. "It's me. It's me, Chioma" I almost blurted, "innocent". I just managed to bite my tongue. Innocent was the name our guy gang called her. She never had the slightest idea about it. "Hey, Chioma. What's up? How did you get my number?" I asked even though I knew I gave it to her. She recounted how I had asked for hers, which she didn't know offhand, hence I had given her mine. I held myself in check again as I almost hissed in slight disgust. Since 5 months and she's calling now? "Oh, so thoughtful of you to call" I said, trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice. "Nothing much, sha. Just wanted to ask if you'll be in town for val" I heard her say almost in a whisper, like her mum was in the next room. (Good heavens. Mike did a great job naming her innocen...