Extracurricular Activities (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1 Your head is still spinning round and round and round when you come back into the class. You ask everyone of your pupil to sit in their chairs and put their heads on their desk. The school is against such system of the kids idling away while they could be doing something, but you need the break, you try to convince yourself. Your face is buried in your palms on the table, your eyes shut tight, but the images keep flouting. One and two and three at a time. You keep hearing the voices over and over again. Lifting your head from the table, you put your hands over your ears to stop them from coming in. But they aren’t there. They are buried in your soul. And then you hear his voice, your life coach’s voice. He’s saying; ‘ex-you were in the past, is- you are in the present, t- you will transcend to the future, that means to ‘exist’. But you want to do more than just exist. ...